Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Physical fitness Running -- Precisely how to become a Low fat Imply Running Machine

Fullstride treadmill - 9 by Classic Equine Equipment by Classic Equine Equipment

If you're practicing some sort of gathering you could think that it must be Alright to nibble on around you wish and that you may consume poo nutrition. This kind of way of thinking is caused by the idea of which books work and educate frequently you happen to be using down more unhealthy calories as compared with the person. This could often be therefore nevertheless, homeowners still pretext to set negative healthy eating plan. Sure, you'll be using off a lot more energy nevertheless, you will also need to obtain much more electrical power and strength in order to meet the requirements involving running a gathering. Meaning the standard of what food you're eating is essential.

The most effective guideline to follow is to eat sparingly. It really is not a good idea for you to go hungry regarding foods that you want including chocolates meal or perhaps hamburger, if you never have these people all the time. They must become eaten at times when i'll get to a treat as an alternative to a person's regular food staple.

Nevertheless, there is a temptation in which because you are running 50 stretches a week that you begin to consume far more. Every person's human body and metabolic process differs. A similar human being may possibly don excess fat while an individual's fat remains to be similar despite the fact that they are having the similar quantity of meal plus running a related range daily.

With the more serious sportsmen who run seventy mile after mile and up each week could run the risk associated with dropping excessive pounds since they're consumption far more calories in comparison with there're eating. Even so, almost all really serious those who exercise consider their diet incredibly critically plus follow a healthy well-balanced diet program to provide them sufficient health proteins plus sugar that they have to complete with a dangerous.

To keep a thin, imply running machine you need to choose the diet plan of the serious workshop athlete. As mentioned before, its fine as soon as glasses are designed to achieve the temporary address. Providing it is periodic and that you vacation just a rigorous proper diet.


Sugar usually are the male body's petrol thus, they've created up a substantial portion in the runners diet program. Glucose are available in a new wide array of several food items through veggies for example carrots as well as carrots and also sugars. The most beneficial carbs will be the normal razors that are seen in veggies in addition to whole grains which are called sophisticated carbohydrate food. The ones avoiding could be the enhanced carbs that you get within snack, cakes as well as cornbread. These types of will play mayhem along with blood sugar our blood quantities which causes your energy amounts so that you can throw down and up just like a years old yo.


You need aminoacids in your diet since it is crucial around assisting to our body vehicle the plantar fasciitis associated with split muscle groups the result of running extended amount of running. Necessary is likewise vital in assisting in order to accelerate the male body's retrieval time period. Protein can be found in ingredients like ovum, bass and slim beef to help name just a few.In general you wish to have something like 4 times the number of complex carbohydrates when you carry out aminoacids.

Always find some sort of dermatologist's assistance if you have any problem or food hypersensitivity in advance of accomplishing any form associated with new physical exercise as well as diet program.

running machine

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sole F80 Treadmill Review - Will be the Sole F80 Treadmill Ideal for you personally?

treadmill 002 by Chee2007

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All of us desire to shed bodyweight but when it truly is freezing outside, do you genuinely desire to go for just a stroll? In the event you will not then you certainly may possibly be searching for some thing much like the Sole F80 Treadmill. This treadmill is one of many a lot more well-liked kinds within the current market these days but is it well worth the instead big value which you should shell out?

Fine Details

There are lots of very good factors relating to this treadmill.

one. For starters, it's the very best assurance you could possibly get for any treadmill. Although it's pricey, you receive an astonishing 30-year guarantee for the motor, 30 decades around the deck, lifetime for the frame, and 5 decades to the electronics, belt plus the rollers. Additionally, you have a two yr warrantee on labor.

two. The belt and deck will also be rather huge. Commonly you can get yourself a belt that may be 17 by 50 inches, however the Sole F80 Treadmill carries a belt that may be 20 by 50 inches, an excellent dimension.

several. The machines is particularly quiet, that's a large in addition should you come about to stay in an condo creating.

four. It's some characteristics you can find on no other treadmills such as arm rests who have speed and incline controls. You may also enter your excess weight and age and get customized readouts on your own development.

five. It may fold right into a tiny room, once more rendering it excellent for apartments.

Negative Things

Now this wouldn't be a fair evaluate if we didn't go finished the factors which can be not so wonderful concerning the Sole F80 Treadmill.

one. To begin with, it weighs a great deal. It arrives in at 250 kilos and which is a lot more than the common treadmill.

two. It really is really high-priced to get a treadmill, coming in at $1,500 when quite a few treadmills are available in at $500.

several. It really is rated for the highest pounds of 335 kilos. You'll find other treadmills which have been rated for increased greatest weights.

four. The appliance has brief addresses so it isn't fine for your elderly or any one who may have difficulty with all the addresses.

Total Impression

Without a doubt this treadmill is high priced, but that high-priced price is greater than built up for from the original warranty that easily can't be beat. A lot of people experience how the guarantee alone is really worth getting this treadmill. If you acquire this treadmill, you understand you might be having anything that should perform for lifetime.

Moreover, even though usually there are some limits on it such as quick deals with and fat limitations, it really is effortless to utilize and simple to place aside. On the list of largest issues with treadmills is the fact that these are as well substantial knowning that keeps anybody who lives in the condo or condominium making from possessing one particular. The Sole F80 Treadmill fixes this by folding up and staying very quiet.

Forgetting concerning the value, this can be a treadmill you really should buy. In the event you can manage it, you will discover the assurance offsets the better selling price and you'll discover this treadmill one of several finest within the marketplace

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Horizon Health Treadmill - Work out at your house

If the sky is really falling... by *M-C1*

Workout is critical for physical wellness. This can be possibly the explanation a growing range of people are selecting to exercising to reside a more healthy and happier existence. Nonetheless, some individuals are unable to training frequently or they will not want the commercial fitness center atmosphere. Using the horizon conditioning treadmill, they could continue to keep fit, even though physical exercise in your house.

The Treadmill: In Home Health club Devices

As a result of the raising awareness in the advantage and relevance of frequent physical exercise, individuals flock towards the nearest health and fitness center whenever they've the time. This could be inconvenient for folks who've frequent day jobs. The alternative offered is usually to work out in the home; even now physical exercise in your house might be a chore but using a treadmill, they purely hop within the Horizon Conditioning Treadmill and adjust the pace and there they go - although wired to their mp3s or watching Television.

The treadmill is maybe probably the most well-known physical exercise or health and fitness center tools. This machine enables you to walk or jog indoors and do the job your self to some sweat with out the inconvenience of preparing for an outdoor jogging or running gig.

The Horizon Health and fitness Treadmill is a single with the well-known manufacturers inside the treadmill department. Horizon health can be a trusted name when it occurs to exercise routine machines or equipments. The brand name provides a respectable line of treadmill machines for unique specifications.

The Functions

When compared with other treadmill brand names around, the Horizon Health treadmill proves to become the quietest, that is a plus element for an in-house do the job gear. It also has variable cushioning, a vital function since it lessens effect on your foot and minimizes the pressure on your own leg joints, ligaments and back. You must be mindful of treadmill cushioning when paying for your treadmill so verify out what the Horizon brand name can offer you.

The Horizon Health brand name of treadmills carries a huge and heavy frame for additional durability. This assures the machine's power to stand wear and tear. It also has pace and intensity adjustments to suit your training regimen. Some designs have built-in surround speakers to provide a pleasurable treadmill encounter. Whilst running or jogging around the treadmill, you are able to listen for your preferred music.

The Horizon Physical fitness Treadmill line also arrives equipped using a soul pace check. Whilst jogging or brisk-walking, you'll be able to examine your pulse and coronary heart fee. This really is an essential add-on since this aids you look at if you might be over-exercising or under-exercising.

For persons with cardiovascular issues, the cardiovascular fee keep an eye on can be a godsend; they're able to keep an eye on the cardiovascular situation though performing exercises. The soul price observe is connected into a grip sensor. Whenever you grip the deal with bar in the treadmill frame, the observe instantly reads your center fee. Dependant on the reading benefits, it is possible to chose to slow down or pick up rate - gradually - to avoid pressure for the cardiovascular method.

With lots of competition from the treadmill current market, you will find brand names that could use a little fortune and some are unbelievably low cost. Normally, high quality treadmills are priced at $1500 or a lot more but they're long lasting and can last many years of use and abuse. The Horizon Physical fitness Treadmills expenses about $1000 as much as $2000 based on the make or design. If it is health you need and value for the income, then go for that greatest there is certainly.
fitness treadmill

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tips on Getting your Most Out of the Treadmill Workout

Professional-Home-Treadmill-1301FI-with-LED- by unistar4

The treadmill is beneficial with regard to walking, running, in addition to also jogging. However, the item can lead a person towards brick wall regarding weight loss in addition to the fitness as to get your repetition in the actual same movement more and more. There will be some ways in getting the most out in the treadmill which will help you in burning more calories and will work special muscle groups with the same time.

Perk up the actual treadmill workout for the hand weights. Its a new very good way in boosting the particular heart rate as well as gives quite a few help for you to build a great upper body muscle groups. You can attempt in order to work with the particular hand weights in doing that biceps curls, that triceps extensions, and also pectoral presses while you tend to be warming up and cooling down by using walking.

You can test that will walk backwards during the particular warm-up and also cool-down time so that you can get the actual most out with the treadmill workout. Your exercise around the treadmill will work different muscle groups in your own thighs in addition to will help you over your hump when you hit the particular weight-loss plateau.

You can make use of intervals when you tend to be working out on your treadmill in order to get the actual most out belonging to the workout. By raising in addition to lowering the particular heart rate in addition to intensity from the sessions, you will help a person's body burn more calories anytime you hop on.

Warming up in addition to cooling down anytime you will get on the treadmill. You will get the most out in the workout in order to prevent injury with all the sessions. Take to four or fie minutes before and also after your own workout to help walk at relaxed pace in order to get warming up, then you need in order to interesting down all muscles.

Keep the regular pace regarding one and also two weeks before you boost ones effort on your own treadmill. If your own body will be comfortable together with a great extra pace on the treadmill, you will crank up your speed as well as incline on your machine.

Getting this most out involving ones treadmill workout could be influenced by your type in the treadmill you make use of. Therefore, you have to be able to be sure that you utilize the best treadmill that will will give you this most out on the treadmill workout.

treadmill running machine

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Can Help You Find the Best foldable treadmill Workout

Treadmill Run-T100 by FFittech

While it does not have a heart monitor on it, it has all the bells and whistles that make this treadmill a must-have for any enthusiast. Yes this treadmill is expensive, but that expensive cost is more than made up for by the warranty that simply cannot be beat. One of the most important factors in using a treadmill to increase your fitness level is the variety of your workouts. exercise treadmillIt is perfectly designed for all kind of body weight and can sustain more heavy duty exercises without any problems. Each are twenty minutes long, include a warm up and cool down period, and are equally effective for runners or walkers.So no crazy videos there, where people get flung across the room by their treadmill! It is possible to change the incline on manual treadmills, but you have to get off and crank a knob in order to adjust it, then get on and start walking or running again. walking treadmillToday, the fitness treadmill is an affordable piece of exercise equipment. For someone who's seriously into running and getting the exercise they need, a treadmill is a must to ensure your running schedule is not compromised. They all tend to be very highly rated in most home treadmill reviews. Before you make a treadmill purchase, there are some things that should be taken into consideration.And since it's still selling really well, more and more companies have begun manufacturing them. However, many people overlook one of the biggest factors - your own size.

Yesterday, I was covering an “augmented reality floor”, that was really more of a floor that could replicate whatever texture you wanted to. Yes, I am serious. Read that one here if you don’t believe me.

Now, here is another unusual floor for those who need to have a room that I would like to describe as “versatile”. The Cyberwalk is actually more of a platform to work an omni-directional treadmill.

You might wonder why in the world anyone would want an omni-directional treadmill, but most of the reasons boil down to recreation.

Just imagine if you want to run inside, but you don’t want to run in place or in one direction, like on a regular treadmill. You are free to run anywhere.

I think there might be a limitation to this technology, though. Most pictures that I see of this show someone with some sort of support. I can see why. It looks like the Cyberwalk might be very difficult to maintain one’s balance on.

Another application is gaming. Just imagine a Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) game where the player does not move with the A, S, D, W or arrow keys, but by just moving his or her feet. Attach some motion controllers to the arms, and you’ve got yourself a very interactive gaming environment.

Sadly, this guy is just research at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tubingen, Germany. I’m guessing it would be expensive to set up in an ordinary home, but what a ride it would be to have this.


How to select motorized treadmill Workout Tips

treadmill - $25 by nrrc178

If you need a treadmill, then you need the Sole F63 Treadmill. Yes this treadmill is expensive, but that expensive cost is more than made up for by the warranty that simply cannot be beat. One of the most important factors in using a treadmill to increase your fitness level is the variety of your workouts. Electric treadmillIt also has the wireless heart rate control, 3 color LCD display, arm rest and incline controls to assist you during training.Here are two great treadmill workouts you can use if you are pressed for time. So no crazy videos there, where people get flung across the room by their treadmill! It is possible to change the incline on manual treadmills, but you have to get off and crank a knob in order to adjust it, then get on and start walking or running again. home treadmillFortunately, all that has changed. For someone who's seriously into running and getting the exercise they need, a treadmill is a must to ensure your running schedule is not compromised. They all tend to be very highly rated in most home treadmill reviews. Sometimes it can be difficult for the consumer to know which treadmill is best. Treadmills, like all other at home fitness machines, have come a long way. However, many people overlook one of the biggest factors - your own size.

Well these should not be a problem now. You will be able to run indoors which is very safe rather you are at a gym or at home. If you're like one of the millions of people out there that have wanted to start a better healthy lifestyle, or just simply looking to lose a few pounds, you might want to get yourself a great motorized treadmill. If you're not a new comer to the treadmill arena, then you'll love the more advanced features found on this machine. With a sturdy constructed frame, and full options you're going to love how great and easy to use this machine really is. home treadmillThis treadmill priced a little high than other brands has some additional features which support for the high price. When looking for a higher end 'commercial grade' treadmill for your home gym, consider a 'lighter' version of a commercial treadmill model or a home fitness equipment brand that is known for higher end machines. First of all, the frame of a commercial treadmill is made of a high alloy steel or aluminum, and is welded, as opposed to put together with nuts and bolts, like consumer grade equipment. As more and more people developed the habit of doing regular exercise, the popularity of commercial treadmills has also increased.

Home Exercise manual treadmill Workout Tips

longlivezeon2007-img600x450-presentation1 by kathryn48

It is affordable, powerful, quiet and it will help you shed those unwanted pounds.Yes this treadmill is expensive, but that expensive cost is more than made up for by the warranty that simply cannot be beat. When people complain about the treadmill being boring, it is probably because they do the same workout over and over.Electric treadmillMy brother-in-law was almost 350 pounds 3 months ago and the Sole F83 didn't have any issue carrying his weight at higher speed. Here are two great treadmill workouts you can use if you are pressed for time. The second most important feature is the belt. electric treadmillSuch innovative designs encourage even the most stubborn homeowners to buy one and keep at home.Granted it doesn't exactly mimic an out door run but it works great when you just can't get out.Any of the above mentioned treadmills can make a great choice if you are serious about either walking or running your way to fitness. The best treadmills on the market combine an amazing and effective workout, make efficient use of space, and are affordable. Below is a short list of the main features you should look at when reviewing treadmill exercise equipment.There are all types of treadmill exercise equipment out there.

A mini treadmill is now starting to invade every household in Europe and America because of the multiple benefits that this small machine provides to its users.All treadmills have programs for all individuals no matter what there fitness goals are. You should definitely look at what people are calling a best buy, and a great addition to the exercise world. You can get a full 15% incline, allowing you to train well no matter what the weather is like outside. More than just an easy to use machine it comes with full stereo speakers to guide you through whatever kind of sounds you want to workout to. walking treadmillThe company is offering life time warranty on everything except labor. It will serve you just as well and cost you thousands less.This allows for a larger user weight, and will come with a lifetime warranty against cracks or breakage.As more and more people developed the habit of doing regular exercise, the popularity of commercial treadmills has also increased.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Home Exercise magnetic treadmill Tips

Harwich - England - This Used to be my playground - November 11th 2006 by law_keven

While it does not have a heart monitor on it, it has all the bells and whistles that make this treadmill a must-have for any enthusiast. When you buy this treadmill, you know you are getting something that will work for life.One of the most important factors in using a treadmill to increase your fitness level is the variety of your workouts. Home treadmillIt is perfectly designed for all kind of body weight and can sustain more heavy duty exercises without any problems. Here are two great treadmill workouts you can use if you are pressed for time. They are quite cheap! You can pick up a new one for under 0 easily. electric treadmillSuch innovative designs encourage even the most stubborn homeowners to buy one and keep at home.For someone who's seriously into running and getting the exercise they need, a treadmill is a must to ensure your running schedule is not compromised. As you can see, the price rises with the higher level of quality and durability that is built into each of these machines and that is to be expected. Before you make a treadmill purchase, there are some things that should be taken into consideration.There have been a lot of advancements in technology and durability over the past couple of decades. There are many factors to consider - performance, durability, motor size, and all of those features that are now being offered.

I've always felt very fortunate to have received a solid education at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA. In Micro- and Macroeconomics, we studied marginal supply and marginal demand. In calculus, we learned the mathematics surrounding the rate of change occurring at the margin. We learned that producers and their competitors produce until marginal profit moves to zero. What was so important about the things which happened at the margin?

We at Smead Capital Management have been pondering the interview Jim Chanos did with Charlie Rose on April 12, 2010. He explained to a very frustrated Mr. Rose that the seeds of a credit driven bubble in the commercial and residential real estate markets in China are about to burst. This will happen, he explains, despite the best efforts of the communist government to combat the bubble and ultimately deal with the effects. In this "treadmill to hell", Chanos shows that the bubble in real estate there is as egregious as the subprime bubble we had in 2005-07 in the US.

However, to make money from these phenomena unwinding, Chanos is not placing most of his bets against Chinese companies. When asked by Mr. Rose what he is selling short, Chanos said,

But probably more importantly from an investment point of view this has implications for the people selling stuff to China, commodity, people – anything that are selling things to people who put up high-rise buildings, cement, glass, copper. That’s where you’re going to see probably a step function down in demand – steel, because right now it’s all going to China.

To understand why he is shorting commodities and commodity producers to benefit from a dramatic slowdown in GDP growth in China, you have to understand how important demand at the margin is to the market price of copper or steel or oil. Un-interrupted GDP growth in China and India has been at the forefront of investor confidence in commodities and emerging stock markets. Therefore, at the margin, massive quantities of worldwide capital are committed to these investments. This commitment is tied to un-interrupted growth and could disappear very fast. Chanos says, "And then there’s this precarious tipping point where suddenly you can’t sell a project. And then it’s just as if everyone from the port side of the cruise ship goes to the starboard side of the cruise ship all at once.”If institutional investors felt that marginal demand for commodities was going to be impacted by an economic slowdown in China, you could get an outsized move down in commodity prices. Like when the tech stock bubble died, you’d suddenly had no bid.

We at SCM can give you two recent examples of similar phenomena. From 2001-2005 in Phoenix, you could see how the residential and commercial real estate booms were affecting the overall economy at the margin. We estimated that as much as 30% of the economy of Phoenix was tied to the building, financing, selling and maintenance of commercial and residential real estate. Prior to demand disappearing at the margin in 2006, there were an amazing number of vehicles driving around Arizona highways with contractor logos on the side. Today, you have to look vigilantly to find logo-laced trucks associated with the building and maintenance of homes. The Phoenix economy cratered when home prices cratered and commercial properties followed right behind.

In the fall of 2008, toxic loans on the books of the major US financial institutions created a panic and total stock market meltdown. At the margin, retail sales fell 10% on a year over year basis by the end of 2008. In turn, purchases not being made at the margin triggered lower sales and profits at companies all over the country. Massive nationwide layoffs ensued as producers, distributors and retailers adjusted to the change in demand. The unemployment rate in the US rose from around 5% in 2006 to over 10% in 2009. Most folks didn't lose their job, but at the margin everyone’s behavior was impacted by the folks that did. Remember, the vast majority of everything that went on in the US economy in 2008 did go on in 2009, but at the margin everyone moved to the other side of the boat.

Chanos claims that 50-60% of the GDP of China is tied directly to residential and commercial real estate. When investment capital sees a slowdown in construction, it will cause the same kind of loss of confidence in the commodity and emerging market thesis, at the margin, which we saw in Phoenix in 2006-07 and we saw in the US economy in 2008-09. As in everything in economics, some will benefit and some will lose. We like US large capitalization recession-resistant “quality” stocks as defined by our eight criteria and would avoid commodities, commodity producers, commodity exporting nations and construction-related heavy industrial companies. Remember, most of what went on before will still go on, but at the margin is where the confidence is set or lost.

Disclosure: No positions

I've always felt very fortunate to have received a solid education at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA. In Micro- and Macroeconomics, we studied marginal supply and marginal demand. In calculus, we learned the mathematics surrounding the rate of change occurring at the margin. We learned that producers and their competitors produce until marginal profit moves to zero. What was so important about the things which happened at the margin?

We at Smead Capital Management have been pondering the interview Jim Chanos did with Charlie Rose on April 12, 2010. He explained to a very frustrated Mr. Rose that the seeds of a credit driven bubble in the commercial and residential real estate markets in China are about to burst. This will happen, he explains, despite the best efforts of the communist government to combat the bubble and ultimately deal with the effects. In this "treadmill to hell", Chanos shows that the bubble in real estate there is as egregious as the subprime bubble we had in 2005-07 in the US.

However, to make money from these phenomena unwinding, Chanos is not placing most of his bets against Chinese companies. When asked by Mr. Rose what he is selling short, Chanos said,

But probably more importantly from an investment point of view this has implications for the people selling stuff to China, commodity, people – anything that are selling things to people who put up high-rise buildings, cement, glass, copper. That’s where you’re going to see probably a step function down in demand – steel, because right now it’s all going to China.

To understand why he is shorting commodities and commodity producers to benefit from a dramatic slowdown in GDP growth in China, you have to understand how important demand at the margin is to the market price of copper or steel or oil. Un-interrupted GDP growth in China and India has been at the forefront of investor confidence in commodities and emerging stock markets. Therefore, at the margin, massive quantities of worldwide capital are committed to these investments. This commitment is tied to un-interrupted growth and could disappear very fast. Chanos says, "And then there’s this precarious tipping point where suddenly you can’t sell a project. And then it’s just as if everyone from the port side of the cruise ship goes to the starboard side of the cruise ship all at once.”If institutional investors felt that marginal demand for commodities was going to be impacted by an economic slowdown in China, you could get an outsized move down in commodity prices. Like when the tech stock bubble died, you’d suddenly had no bid.

We at SCM can give you two recent examples of similar phenomena. From 2001-2005 in Phoenix, you could see how the residential and commercial real estate booms were affecting the overall economy at the margin. We estimated that as much as 30% of the economy of Phoenix was tied to the building, financing, selling and maintenance of commercial and residential real estate. Prior to demand disappearing at the margin in 2006, there were an amazing number of vehicles driving around Arizona highways with contractor logos on the side. Today, you have to look vigilantly to find logo-laced trucks associated with the building and maintenance of homes. The Phoenix economy cratered when home prices cratered and commercial properties followed right behind.

In the fall of 2008, toxic loans on the books of the major US financial institutions created a panic and total stock market meltdown. At the margin, retail sales fell 10% on a year over year basis by the end of 2008. In turn, purchases not being made at the margin triggered lower sales and profits at companies all over the country. Massive nationwide layoffs ensued as producers, distributors and retailers adjusted to the change in demand. The unemployment rate in the US rose from around 5% in 2006 to over 10% in 2009. Most folks didn't lose their job, but at the margin everyone’s behavior was impacted by the folks that did. Remember, the vast majority of everything that went on in the US economy in 2008 did go on in 2009, but at the margin everyone moved to the other side of the boat.

Chanos claims that 50-60% of the GDP of China is tied directly to residential and commercial real estate. When investment capital sees a slowdown in construction, it will cause the same kind of loss of confidence in the commodity and emerging market thesis, at the margin, which we saw in Phoenix in 2006-07 and we saw in the US economy in 2008-09. As in everything in economics, some will benefit and some will lose. We like US large capitalization recession-resistant “quality” stocks as defined by our eight criteria and would avoid commodities, commodity producers, commodity exporting nations and construction-related heavy industrial companies. Remember, most of what went on before will still go on, but at the margin is where the confidence is set or lost.

Disclosure: No positions

There is compact fitness equipment that can help you with your needs at a very affordable price. You will be able to run indoors which is very safe rather you are at a gym or at home. You should definitely look at what people are calling a best buy, and a great addition to the exercise world. This treadmill also allows you to fold up and hide away your treadmill in order to make sure that your room is not too crowded.To also further the challenge this treadmill has a full 15% incline for those that need a more professional workout.folding treadmillThe extra large running surface and one touch speed adjustment deliver maximum performance during the workout. When looking for a higher end 'commercial grade' treadmill for your home gym, consider a 'lighter' version of a commercial treadmill model or a home fitness equipment brand that is known for higher end machines. First of all, the frame of a commercial treadmill is made of a high alloy steel or aluminum, and is welded, as opposed to put together with nuts and bolts, like consumer grade equipment. This treadmill is also used in schools, heavy traffic gyms, hospitals and health clubs as this can cater all fitness levels and ages.

Consider a Greatmanual treadmill Reviews & Tips

IMG_7509 by gfixler

Well, this is a piece of fitness equipment that will. Many people feel that the warranty alone is worth purchasing this treadmill. One of the most important factors in using a treadmill to increase your fitness level is the variety of your workouts. Home treadmill http://www.treadmills-equipment.com/treadmill-machine.html,treadmill machineIt is perfectly designed for all kind of body weight and can sustain more heavy duty exercises without any problems. We recommend changing your routine every two weeks. It does not move until you push it with your feet by walking or running. electric treadmillFortunately, all that has changed. For someone who's seriously into running and getting the exercise they need, a treadmill is a must to ensure your running schedule is not compromised. Any of the above mentioned treadmills can make a great choice if you are serious about either walking or running your way to fitness. However, there are a large number of treadmills on the market. Treadmills, like all other at home fitness machines, have come a long way. There are many factors to consider - performance, durability, motor size, and all of those features that are now being offered.

Do you wish to have your own treadmill at home but you worry that it may not compliment the style of your home? All treadmills have programs for all individuals no matter what there fitness goals are. It's not something that many people are taking lightly either because they are moving forward so well on a nice treadmill. You can get a full 15% incline, allowing you to train well no matter what the weather is like outside. More than just an easy to use machine it comes with full stereo speakers to guide you through whatever kind of sounds you want to workout to. folding treadmillThe extra large running surface and one touch speed adjustment deliver maximum performance during the workout. When looking for a higher end 'commercial grade' treadmill for your home gym, consider a 'lighter' version of a commercial treadmill model or a home fitness equipment brand that is known for higher end machines. This allows for a larger user weight, and will come with a lifetime warranty against cracks or breakage.Professional gyms have been a popular choice to visit as there are expert trainers that provide classes for proper workout methods.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Home Exercise treadmill Workout Tips

Maglevity Transport -- Bottom by Uspez Morbo

When you are looking for a treadmill for your home, you want to get one that is going to work well for you. Many people feel that the warranty alone is worth purchasing this treadmill. When people complain about the treadmill being boring, it is probably because they do the same workout over and over.My brother-in-law was almost 350 pounds 3 months ago and the Sole F83 didn't have any issue carrying his weight at higher speed. We recommend changing your routine every two weeks. It does not move until you push it with your feet by walking or running. folding treadmillFortunately, all that has changed. For someone who's seriously into running and getting the exercise they need, a treadmill is a must to ensure your running schedule is not compromised. They all tend to be very highly rated in most home treadmill reviews. Before you make a treadmill purchase, there are some things that should be taken into consideration.Treadmills, like all other at home fitness machines, have come a long way. However, many people overlook one of the biggest factors - your own size.

Do you wish to have your own treadmill at home but you worry that it may not compliment the style of your home? All treadmills have programs for all individuals no matter what there fitness goals are. That treadmill we're talking about is the Sole F80 motorized treadmill.For those that are looking for a great motorized treadmill, the Sole F80 is the best thing on the market. To also further the challenge this treadmill has a full 15% incline for those that need a more professional workout.treadmillThe extra large running surface and one touch speed adjustment deliver maximum performance during the workout. It will serve you just as well and cost you thousands less.First of all, the frame of a commercial treadmill is made of a high alloy steel or aluminum, and is welded, as opposed to put together with nuts and bolts, like consumer grade equipment. This treadmill is also used in schools, heavy traffic gyms, hospitals and health clubs as this can cater all fitness levels and ages.

Friday, April 9, 2010

How to chose foldable treadmill Equipment Report

DSC_6973 by Kok Ann

It is affordable, powerful, quiet and it will help you shed those unwanted pounds.Yes this treadmill is expensive, but that expensive cost is more than made up for by the warranty that simply cannot be beat. One of the most important factors in using a treadmill to increase your fitness level is the variety of your workouts. It is perfectly designed for all kind of body weight and can sustain more heavy duty exercises without any problems. Here are two great treadmill workouts you can use if you are pressed for time. With a non-motorized treadmill, you go only as fast as you push yourself.electric treadmillSuch innovative designs encourage even the most stubborn homeowners to buy one and keep at home.Granted it doesn't exactly mimic an out door run but it works great when you just can't get out.Any of the above mentioned treadmills can make a great choice if you are serious about either walking or running your way to fitness. The best treadmills on the market combine an amazing and effective workout, make efficient use of space, and are affordable. Below is a short list of the main features you should look at when reviewing treadmill exercise equipment.There are all types of treadmill exercise equipment out there.

Are you determined to stay with your weight loss program, but you need to travel a lot? You will be able to run indoors which is very safe rather you are at a gym or at home. You should definitely look at what people are calling a best buy, and a great addition to the exercise world. You can get a full 15% incline, allowing you to train well no matter what the weather is like outside. More than just an easy to use machine it comes with full stereo speakers to guide you through whatever kind of sounds you want to workout to. magnetic treadmillThis treadmill priced a little high than other brands has some additional features which support for the high price. It will serve you just as well and cost you thousands less.This allows for a larger user weight, and will come with a lifetime warranty against cracks or breakage.As more and more people developed the habit of doing regular exercise, the popularity of commercial treadmills has also increased.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Ultimate magnetic treadmill You want

after by FroggyMonkey

When you are looking for a treadmill for your home, you want to get one that is going to work well for you. Yes this treadmill is expensive, but that expensive cost is more than made up for by the warranty that simply cannot be beat. One of the most important factors in using a treadmill to increase your fitness level is the variety of your workouts. It also has the wireless heart rate control, 3 color LCD display, arm rest and incline controls to assist you during training.We recommend changing your routine every two weeks. It does not move until you push it with your feet by walking or running. electric treadmillToday, the fitness treadmill is an affordable piece of exercise equipment. If you've been running for a while you already know that outdoor running is not always possible due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances, that's when your treadmill becomes your best friend. Any of the above mentioned treadmills can make a great choice if you are serious about either walking or running your way to fitness. However, there are a large number of treadmills on the market. Because of this, treadmill exercise equipment has remained very popular and has continued to be a top seller in the fitness equipment industry. There are many factors to consider - performance, durability, motor size, and all of those features that are now being offered.

Do you wish to have your own treadmill at home but you worry that it may not compliment the style of your home? You will be able to run indoors which is very safe rather you are at a gym or at home. It's not something that many people are taking lightly either because they are moving forward so well on a nice treadmill. It allows some great uses, including six presets, and so much more. With a sturdy constructed frame, and full options you're going to love how great and easy to use this machine really is. treadmillThis treadmill priced a little high than other brands has some additional features which support for the high price. When looking for a higher end 'commercial grade' treadmill for your home gym, consider a 'lighter' version of a commercial treadmill model or a home fitness equipment brand that is known for higher end machines. This allows for a larger user weight, and will come with a lifetime warranty against cracks or breakage.Professional gyms have been a popular choice to visit as there are expert trainers that provide classes for proper workout methods.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Consider a Greatfolding treadmill You want

Maglevity Transport -- Operators by Uspez Morbo

When you are looking for a treadmill for your home, you want to get one that is going to work well for you. Many people feel that the warranty alone is worth purchasing this treadmill. When people complain about the treadmill being boring, it is probably because they do the same workout over and over.foldable treadmillIt is perfectly designed for all kind of body weight and can sustain more heavy duty exercises without any problems. Here are two great treadmill workouts you can use if you are pressed for time. The second most important feature is the belt. motorized treadmillSuch innovative designs encourage even the most stubborn homeowners to buy one and keep at home.Granted it doesn't exactly mimic an out door run but it works great when you just can't get out.As you can see, the price rises with the higher level of quality and durability that is built into each of these machines and that is to be expected. However, there are a large number of treadmills on the market. Because of this, treadmill exercise equipment has remained very popular and has continued to be a top seller in the fitness equipment industry. Your size and weight matter when choosing treadmill exercise equipment.

Compact and multi-functional furniture is not just a smart space-saving solution, but is aesthetically pleasing too, which makes it perfect for modern decor. And if you are looking for a smart fitness solution to furnish your home gym, then the Xfit by Carpam Sport & Tumidei is one machine that is designed to let you follow your fitness regimen in your own personal gym at the best. The Xfit is a compact, stylish wardrobe with dimensions of 90×60x160h centimeters to fit into any decor. The stylish design merges design and practicality in a single piece of furniture. The unit consists of mirrors, 1 Drill rest, 1 treadmill with 1.75-hp motor, speed up to 16 km/h, electric tilt up to 10 percent gradient, 2 sets of rubber bands with multiple anchor points in order to train both the upper and lower body, 2 chrome dumbbells 2kg., 1 bench exercise besides an integrated 19″ LCD TV with DVD/CD player to keep you entertained. The Xfit is available in 11 color choices and in 3 different materials. This all-in-one home gym will set you back $6,332 and is available online for purchase.

Via: Digs Digs/Tumiedi Spa

Xfit Exercise Machine Picture Gallery

A new patent application from Apple describes an exercise motivation feature that presents a "virtual competitor," providing an "interactive and engaging experience" for fitness enthusiasts.

The application revealed this week, entitled "Real-Time Interaction with a Virtual Competitor While Performing an Exercise Routine," notes that while there are currently a variety of methods designed to push athletes farther, some people want something even more engaging.

Fitness enthusiasts sometimes need new sources of motivation, such as when training indoors during inclement weather," the application reads. "Modern health clubs partly serve this need by providing television monitors and music to entertain members using treadmills, stationary bicycles, elliptical trainers, and other fitness equipment. Products like the Nike+iPod Sports Kit provide workout-based voice feedback, motivational media, and the ability to share workouts among Nike+community members."

The application describes a networked system that could download a workout file associated with the virtual competitor. The system could also determine the performance of the athlete using the iPod or iPhone, and compare their performance with that of the virtual competitor.

Such a system could track the "performance metrics" of the user in both physiological terms, such s heart rate, blood oxygen content and temperature, and non-physiological performance indicators, like speed and distance.

As for the competitor, the system could display visual cues, such as location, via GPS, on Google Maps, demonstrating the user's position relative to the virtual opponent. The system could also be done audibly, allowing a runner to focus on their performance.

"For example, as user� passes the 2-mile mark, an audible cue played through the headset� may announce a 2-mile split of 10:27," the application reads. "If user� has a lead� cues may be played if the lead is less than a predetermined distance. For example, if the lead is less than 100 feet, an audible cue may be played, such as 'He's right behind you.' For smaller leads, an audile cue may be the sound of footsteps thumping."

If a user were running indoors on a treadmill, cycle, or elliptical machine, the virtual competitor system could be turned into a game, where the runner can conduct "tactical maneuvers," tracked with a camera, that can be use to complete certain actions. The competitor, represented by a virtual avatar, could potentially be crowded out by the user with a hands-free mouse, and such actions in the game could earn the runner points.

A mini treadmill is now starting to invade every household in Europe and America because of the multiple benefits that this small machine provides to its users.You will be able to run indoors which is very safe rather you are at a gym or at home. It's not something that many people are taking lightly either because they are moving forward so well on a nice treadmill. It allows some great uses, including six presets, and so much more. To also further the challenge this treadmill has a full 15% incline for those that need a more professional workout.motorized treadmillThe Amazon price of this treadmill is 99.00It will serve you just as well and cost you thousands less.This allows for a larger user weight, and will come with a lifetime warranty against cracks or breakage.This treadmill is also used in schools, heavy traffic gyms, hospitals and health clubs as this can cater all fitness levels and ages.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How to get folding treadmill You want

Treadmill workstation view 2 by Joe Hoover

While it does not have a heart monitor on it, it has all the bells and whistles that make this treadmill a must-have for any enthusiast. Many people feel that the warranty alone is worth purchasing this treadmill. When people complain about the treadmill being boring, it is probably because they do the same workout over and over.Commercial treadmillIt also has the wireless heart rate control, 3 color LCD display, arm rest and incline controls to assist you during training.Each are twenty minutes long, include a warm up and cool down period, and are equally effective for runners or walkers.It does not move until you push it with your feet by walking or running. motorized treadmillKnowing that many homeowners stay in small spaces (especially the urban dwellers), the products are designed to save space. The best home treadmill is not necessarily the treadmill with all the bells and whistles but the one that suits your needs and personal situation the best. As you can see, the price rises with the higher level of quality and durability that is built into each of these machines and that is to be expected. However, there are a large number of treadmills on the market. There have been a lot of advancements in technology and durability over the past couple of decades. There are all types of treadmill exercise equipment out there.

There was a time when Jennifer Love Hewitt was only good for having big tits on a small frame and that time ended when Jennifer Love Hewitt decided to emotionally eat her way thru life, leading her an inflated fucking whale of a girl who could only get on person hard and that person was the guy at the restaurant she was walking into cuz he knew it meant he’d make some fucking money that night…until the world turned on her, laughed at her and humilated her, in way that would have got us kicked out of school for being “bullies” but that brought some real-life perspective to her that forced her to get on the treadmill and work her ass off so that she would never be laughed at again, proving that bullying, another move by the government to make everyone seemingly nice, despite everyone genetically being cunts who love other people’s downfalls, is one of life’s needed mechanisms to help us all be better people….

Here she is showing off her tits for a change….

Pics via LFI

10 Responses to “Jennifer Love Hewitt Shows Off Her Titties of the Day”

  1. rainbone Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    My friend told me SeekingAffluent.com. It’s where many highly successful people are in search of someone for a quality relationship in their life, the same as you:)

  2. Hurricane Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 5:06 pm

    Wow, she is looking hot as hell in these pics.

  3. cowbulls Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 7:29 pm

    JLH has a great body and those curves are real and trust me; real breasts are way better than silicon. I love a woman that isn’t afraid to laugh and have a good time like she shows in the last picture.

    My guess is she would be the best or an ultimate sexual partner for the next few years. Alas, after that she will get fat because that’s her destiny.

  4. Bob Smith Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 8:05 pm

    Great tits, but about that face, and you know she’s a goddamn cunt to boot.

  5. nunya Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 8:23 pm

    looking good

  6. Drunken Pig Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    Id love to pound her tits….and of course her star-fish!!

  7. anony Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 11:44 pm

    If it wasn’t for those tits, we wouldn’t give a shit.

    Acting talent? Puh-lease.

    I still can’t believe they let her play Audrey Hepburn in a made-for-tv movie.

    Might as well get Richard Simmons to play Lou Ferrigno….

  8. big bomber Says:

    March 3rd, 2010 at 12:40 pm

    katy perry if thats how you spell it,has taken over the title of nicest celeb tits in america.J Love is on the backburner.

  9. nunya Says:

    March 3rd, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    katy perry can suck a cock for all i care

  10. Cunty Cuntall Says:

    March 7th, 2010 at 12:45 am

    Jennier Love Hewitt, she should change her name to Jennifer Love Cock. My Nana loves cock….especially mine.

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Music videos are an art, and they, like many art forms, had a golden age — and it ended about ten years ago. That was when music videos for bands that were just breaking out (not just U2) could be big, lavish spectacles; these days we’ve got lots of inventive, lo-fi videos made on the cheap (think OK Go’s famous treadmill video) but so little that’s done on a grand scale.

Of those golden age directors, Jonathan Glazer is one of the most unique. He sets himself apart with a surreal style that employs lots of long takes — not something you see in many cut-a-second videos, then or now — and he’s been known to hire actors, and do all sorts of unconventional things like turn the song down in the middle of the video to have some dialogue happen. Some are more like mini-movies than music videos, which is why, I suppose, he made such a graceful transition to film with Sexy Beast and Birth. Anyway, let’s start by taking a look at his most recent video, for Jack White’s new side project, the Dead Weather. Bloodless but hyper-violent, set in a desert no-man’s-land behind a suburban housing tract, it’s hypnotic and hilarious and seems to be full of hidden meanings.

Another “long takes of people walking” video is for UNKLE’s song “Rabbit in Your Headlights,” featuring Thom Yorke on vocals. We never learn who this unidentified man is (he’s certainly not in the band) — is he insane? A superhero? A magical saint? It’s all so disturbing and wonderfully ambiguous.

Speaking of disturbing and ambiguous, there’s Glazer’s underappreciated masterpiece, Birth, a film about a widow who is approached by a young boy who claims to be the reincarnation of her dead husband. He’s very persistent, and seems to know all sorts of intimate things about the dead man and Kidman’s character, and at first she pushes him away, unable to accept it (and prodded by her jealous and freaked out new husband, played by my favorite character actor, Danny Huston) — that’s the first scene you’ll see. (Sorry about the subtitles.) It’s followed by a long, wordless scene that’s shot all in one take, in slight slo-mo, that consists mainly of an unbroken close-up of Kidman’s face as something within her changes. It’s subtle and gets under your skin, and with nothing but a few blinks and slight facial movements, she communicates more than pages of dialogue could have.

“Song for the Lovers” breaks just about every music video rule imaginable. It features the singer just hanging around his fancy hotel room, looking not particularly glamorous, and getting room service — all in long, unbroken takes. At one point the song itself fades away. And somehow it seems to generate this bizarre suspense, like something terrible could happen at any second.

Glazer’s also done a lot of notable commercial work, including this great spot for Sony.

Glazer did several early videos for Radiohead, like this deceptively simple one for “Street Spirit,” which is full of little tricks and lots of great slo-mo (another Glazer hallmark).

Big music labels won’t allow embedding of their videos, which is endlessly annoying and pretty much ensures that they won’t go viral — but if you feel like looking up Glazer’s video for “Karma Police” on YouTube, it’s definitely worth a look.

Another unusual concept for a video — people crying. Really crying, in such an honest way that it’s a little uncomfortable to watch.

Wish I could include some clips from Sexy Beast here — it’s great — but I can’t think of a single scene that doesn’t include a paint-peeling amount of swearing. But do yourself a favor and check it out. It includes some of the best performances ever given by both Ben Kingsley and Ray Winstone, which is really saying something.

Do you wish to have your own treadmill at home but you worry that it may not compliment the style of your home? All treadmills have programs for all individuals no matter what there fitness goals are. That treadmill we're talking about is the Sole F80 motorized treadmill.You can get a full 15% incline, allowing you to train well no matter what the weather is like outside. To also further the challenge this treadmill has a full 15% incline for those that need a more professional workout.electric treadmillThe treadmill is built according to the demand and specification of health clubs and gyms. When looking for a higher end 'commercial grade' treadmill for your home gym, consider a 'lighter' version of a commercial treadmill model or a home fitness equipment brand that is known for higher end machines. First of all, the frame of a commercial treadmill is made of a high alloy steel or aluminum, and is welded, as opposed to put together with nuts and bolts, like consumer grade equipment. As more and more people developed the habit of doing regular exercise, the popularity of commercial treadmills has also increased.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to select electric treadmill Equipment Report

Impulse buy by Kami's Khlopchyk

Well, this is a piece of fitness equipment that will. Yes this treadmill is expensive, but that expensive cost is more than made up for by the warranty that simply cannot be beat. When people complain about the treadmill being boring, it is probably because they do the same workout over and over.strength equipmentsMy brother-in-law was almost 350 pounds 3 months ago and the Sole F83 didn't have any issue carrying his weight at higher speed. We recommend changing your routine every two weeks. The second most important feature is the belt. treadmill equipmentSuch innovative designs encourage even the most stubborn homeowners to buy one and keep at home.If you've been running for a while you already know that outdoor running is not always possible due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances, that's when your treadmill becomes your best friend. They all tend to be very highly rated in most home treadmill reviews. However, there are a large number of treadmills on the market. There have been a lot of advancements in technology and durability over the past couple of decades. There are a lot of choices out there and it can be difficult to filter through all of them and choose one.

There was a time when Jennifer Love Hewitt was only good for having big tits on a small frame and that time ended when Jennifer Love Hewitt decided to emotionally eat her way thru life, leading her an inflated fucking whale of a girl who could only get on person hard and that person was the guy at the restaurant she was walking into cuz he knew it meant he’d make some fucking money that night…until the world turned on her, laughed at her and humilated her, in way that would have got us kicked out of school for being “bullies” but that brought some real-life perspective to her that forced her to get on the treadmill and work her ass off so that she would never be laughed at again, proving that bullying, another move by the government to make everyone seemingly nice, despite everyone genetically being cunts who love other people’s downfalls, is one of life’s needed mechanisms to help us all be better people….

Here she is showing off her tits for a change….

Pics via LFI

10 Responses to “Jennifer Love Hewitt Shows Off Her Titties of the Day”

  1. rainbone Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    My friend told me SeekingAffluent.com. It’s where many highly successful people are in search of someone for a quality relationship in their life, the same as you:)

  2. Hurricane Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 5:06 pm

    Wow, she is looking hot as hell in these pics.

  3. cowbulls Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 7:29 pm

    JLH has a great body and those curves are real and trust me; real breasts are way better than silicon. I love a woman that isn’t afraid to laugh and have a good time like she shows in the last picture.

    My guess is she would be the best or an ultimate sexual partner for the next few years. Alas, after that she will get fat because that’s her destiny.

  4. Bob Smith Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 8:05 pm

    Great tits, but about that face, and you know she’s a goddamn cunt to boot.

  5. nunya Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 8:23 pm

    looking good

  6. Drunken Pig Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    Id love to pound her tits….and of course her star-fish!!

  7. anony Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 11:44 pm

    If it wasn’t for those tits, we wouldn’t give a shit.

    Acting talent? Puh-lease.

    I still can’t believe they let her play Audrey Hepburn in a made-for-tv movie.

    Might as well get Richard Simmons to play Lou Ferrigno….

  8. big bomber Says:

    March 3rd, 2010 at 12:40 pm

    katy perry if thats how you spell it,has taken over the title of nicest celeb tits in america.J Love is on the backburner.

  9. nunya Says:

    March 3rd, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    katy perry can suck a cock for all i care

  10. Cunty Cuntall Says:

    March 7th, 2010 at 12:45 am

    Jennier Love Hewitt, she should change her name to Jennifer Love Cock. My Nana loves cock….especially mine.

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Mail (will not be published) (required)


Music videos are an art, and they, like many art forms, had a golden age — and it ended about ten years ago. That was when music videos for bands that were just breaking out (not just U2) could be big, lavish spectacles; these days we’ve got lots of inventive, lo-fi videos made on the cheap (think OK Go’s famous treadmill video) but so little that’s done on a grand scale.

Of those golden age directors, Jonathan Glazer is one of the most unique. He sets himself apart with a surreal style that employs lots of long takes — not something you see in many cut-a-second videos, then or now — and he’s been known to hire actors, and do all sorts of unconventional things like turn the song down in the middle of the video to have some dialogue happen. Some are more like mini-movies than music videos, which is why, I suppose, he made such a graceful transition to film with Sexy Beast and Birth. Anyway, let’s start by taking a look at his most recent video, for Jack White’s new side project, the Dead Weather. Bloodless but hyper-violent, set in a desert no-man’s-land behind a suburban housing tract, it’s hypnotic and hilarious and seems to be full of hidden meanings.

Another “long takes of people walking” video is for UNKLE’s song “Rabbit in Your Headlights,” featuring Thom Yorke on vocals. We never learn who this unidentified man is (he’s certainly not in the band) — is he insane? A superhero? A magical saint? It’s all so disturbing and wonderfully ambiguous.

Speaking of disturbing and ambiguous, there’s Glazer’s underappreciated masterpiece, Birth, a film about a widow who is approached by a young boy who claims to be the reincarnation of her dead husband. He’s very persistent, and seems to know all sorts of intimate things about the dead man and Kidman’s character, and at first she pushes him away, unable to accept it (and prodded by her jealous and freaked out new husband, played by my favorite character actor, Danny Huston) — that’s the first scene you’ll see. (Sorry about the subtitles.) It’s followed by a long, wordless scene that’s shot all in one take, in slight slo-mo, that consists mainly of an unbroken close-up of Kidman’s face as something within her changes. It’s subtle and gets under your skin, and with nothing but a few blinks and slight facial movements, she communicates more than pages of dialogue could have.

“Song for the Lovers” breaks just about every music video rule imaginable. It features the singer just hanging around his fancy hotel room, looking not particularly glamorous, and getting room service — all in long, unbroken takes. At one point the song itself fades away. And somehow it seems to generate this bizarre suspense, like something terrible could happen at any second.

Glazer’s also done a lot of notable commercial work, including this great spot for Sony.

Glazer did several early videos for Radiohead, like this deceptively simple one for “Street Spirit,” which is full of little tricks and lots of great slo-mo (another Glazer hallmark).

Big music labels won’t allow embedding of their videos, which is endlessly annoying and pretty much ensures that they won’t go viral — but if you feel like looking up Glazer’s video for “Karma Police” on YouTube, it’s definitely worth a look.

Another unusual concept for a video — people crying. Really crying, in such an honest way that it’s a little uncomfortable to watch.

Wish I could include some clips from Sexy Beast here — it’s great — but I can’t think of a single scene that doesn’t include a paint-peeling amount of swearing. But do yourself a favor and check it out. It includes some of the best performances ever given by both Ben Kingsley and Ray Winstone, which is really saying something.

There is compact fitness equipment that can help you with your needs at a very affordable price. If it is raining, snowing, loose dogs, or what ever the reason is, you will not need to worry because you will be able to get your running in no matter what by using this machine.If you're like one of the millions of people out there that have wanted to start a better healthy lifestyle, or just simply looking to lose a few pounds, you might want to get yourself a great motorized treadmill. This treadmill also allows you to fold up and hide away your treadmill in order to make sure that your room is not too crowded.With a sturdy constructed frame, and full options you're going to love how great and easy to use this machine really is. foldable treadmillThe Amazon price of this treadmill is 99.00When looking for a higher end 'commercial grade' treadmill for your home gym, consider a 'lighter' version of a commercial treadmill model or a home fitness equipment brand that is known for higher end machines. This allows for a larger user weight, and will come with a lifetime warranty against cracks or breakage.As more and more people developed the habit of doing regular exercise, the popularity of commercial treadmills has also increased.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Which is better commercial treadmill For Your Abs?

lifefitness treadmill in pure fitness by rodkar

It is affordable, powerful, quiet and it will help you shed those unwanted pounds.Many people feel that the warranty alone is worth purchasing this treadmill. When people complain about the treadmill being boring, it is probably because they do the same workout over and over.It is perfectly designed for all kind of body weight and can sustain more heavy duty exercises without any problems. Each are twenty minutes long, include a warm up and cool down period, and are equally effective for runners or walkers.It does not move until you push it with your feet by walking or running. treadmillMost home machines can be folded and stored away with minimal effort. Granted it doesn't exactly mimic an out door run but it works great when you just can't get out.Any of the above mentioned treadmills can make a great choice if you are serious about either walking or running your way to fitness. Before you make a treadmill purchase, there are some things that should be taken into consideration.Treadmills, like all other at home fitness machines, have come a long way. There are many factors to consider - performance, durability, motor size, and all of those features that are now being offered.

Compact and multi-functional furniture is not just a smart space-saving solution, but is aesthetically pleasing too, which makes it perfect for modern decor. And if you are looking for a smart fitness solution to furnish your home gym, then the Xfit by Carpam Sport & Tumidei is one machine that is designed to let you follow your fitness regimen in your own personal gym at the best. The Xfit is a compact, stylish wardrobe with dimensions of 90×60x160h centimeters to fit into any decor. The stylish design merges design and practicality in a single piece of furniture. The unit consists of mirrors, 1 Drill rest, 1 treadmill with 1.75-hp motor, speed up to 16 km/h, electric tilt up to 10 percent gradient, 2 sets of rubber bands with multiple anchor points in order to train both the upper and lower body, 2 chrome dumbbells 2kg., 1 bench exercise besides an integrated 19″ LCD TV with DVD/CD player to keep you entertained. The Xfit is available in 11 color choices and in 3 different materials. This all-in-one home gym will set you back $6,332 and is available online for purchase.

Via: Digs Digs/Tumiedi Spa

Xfit Exercise Machine Picture Gallery

Compact and multi-functional furniture is not just a smart space-saving solution, but is aesthetically pleasing too, which makes it perfect for modern decor. And if you are looking for a smart fitness solution to furnish your home gym, then the Xfit by Carpam Sport & Tumidei is one machine that is designed to let you follow your fitness regimen in your own personal gym at the best. The Xfit is a compact, stylish wardrobe with dimensions of 90×60x160h centimeters to fit into any decor. The stylish design merges design and practicality in a single piece of furniture. The unit consists of mirrors, 1 Drill rest, 1 treadmill with 1.75-hp motor, speed up to 16 km/h, electric tilt up to 10 percent gradient, 2 sets of rubber bands with multiple anchor points in order to train both the upper and lower body, 2 chrome dumbbells 2kg., 1 bench exercise besides an integrated 19″ LCD TV with DVD/CD player to keep you entertained. The Xfit is available in 11 color choices and in 3 different materials. This all-in-one home gym will set you back $6,332 and is available online for purchase.

Via: Digs Digs/Tumiedi Spa

Xfit Exercise Machine Picture Gallery

A mini treadmill is now starting to invade every household in Europe and America because of the multiple benefits that this small machine provides to its users.All treadmills have programs for all individuals no matter what there fitness goals are. If you're like one of the millions of people out there that have wanted to start a better healthy lifestyle, or just simply looking to lose a few pounds, you might want to get yourself a great motorized treadmill. This treadmill also allows you to fold up and hide away your treadmill in order to make sure that your room is not too crowded.More than just an easy to use machine it comes with full stereo speakers to guide you through whatever kind of sounds you want to workout to. commercial treadmillThe company is offering life time warranty on everything except labor. It will serve you just as well and cost you thousands less.First of all, the frame of a commercial treadmill is made of a high alloy steel or aluminum, and is welded, as opposed to put together with nuts and bolts, like consumer grade equipment. This treadmill is also used in schools, heavy traffic gyms, hospitals and health clubs as this can cater all fitness levels and ages.

Consider a Greathome treadmill Worth Buying?

Treadmill ramp, Mont Saint Michel, France by Joel Abroad

While it does not have a heart monitor on it, it has all the bells and whistles that make this treadmill a must-have for any enthusiast. Many people feel that the warranty alone is worth purchasing this treadmill. When people complain about the treadmill being boring, it is probably because they do the same workout over and over.Treadmill MachineIt is perfectly designed for all kind of body weight and can sustain more heavy duty exercises without any problems. We recommend changing your routine every two weeks. The most important feature of a manual treadmill is the cost. walking treadmillMost home machines can be folded and stored away with minimal effort. For someone who's seriously into running and getting the exercise they need, a treadmill is a must to ensure your running schedule is not compromised. Your best bet then is to carefully decide how to plan to use your home treadmill and then what your budget allows, and then choose the machine that will best fit your needs from there.Before you make a treadmill purchase, there are some things that should be taken into consideration.Treadmills, like all other at home fitness machines, have come a long way. There are many factors to consider - performance, durability, motor size, and all of those features that are now being offered.

Take Zillow.com, the real estate Web site, where people can hunt for prices and other details about houses. Zillow’s iPhone app adds GPS. People walking their dog through the neighborhood can snoop on the prices of their neighbors’ homes.

“It’s a way better experience in the field than on the PC,” said Rich Barton, Zillow’s chief executive. “When you’re walking or driving, you get estimates or homes recently sold — stuff you can’t see.”

Nine million people visit Zillow’s Web site each month, according to the company. In less than a year, its app has been downloaded by more than one million people, who view the details of two million individual homes on their phones each month.

Zillow is starting to sell mobile ads to local business and real estate agents, an opportunity that surprised the company. “We thought it would be an extension of our brand, not a money-making entity,” said Amy Bohutinsky, vice president of communications at Zillow.

A new version of the app released in February added rental listings and the ability to share Zillow’s home data, photos and property values on Facebook and Twitter.

Yelp’s mobile app is another example. Yelp’s Web site is useful for looking up reviews of the restaurant your date recommended or finding a good tailor near your home.

But on a cellphone, it gets a lot more useful. Yelp’s iPhone app uses GPS to search businesses near you and then gives you directions to get there, so you can find your way around in an unfamiliar city, for instance.

Earlier this week, I had five hours to kill between interviews in Silicon Valley. I needed to go somewhere nearby with wireless Internet, food and coffee. In two minutes, Yelp gave me the name of a cafe five minutes away, and I was armed with driving directions, recommendations on what to order and assurances from customers that there were electrical outlets and the proprietors did not mind people spending hours there.

Pandora is another example. As I wrote about on Monday, cellphone apps for the Internet radio site have brought 35,000 new listeners a month as people realize they can listen to music on their phones on the treadmill or in the car.

What other apps work best in their mobile form?

There was a time when Jennifer Love Hewitt was only good for having big tits on a small frame and that time ended when Jennifer Love Hewitt decided to emotionally eat her way thru life, leading her an inflated fucking whale of a girl who could only get on person hard and that person was the guy at the restaurant she was walking into cuz he knew it meant he’d make some fucking money that night…until the world turned on her, laughed at her and humilated her, in way that would have got us kicked out of school for being “bullies” but that brought some real-life perspective to her that forced her to get on the treadmill and work her ass off so that she would never be laughed at again, proving that bullying, another move by the government to make everyone seemingly nice, despite everyone genetically being cunts who love other people’s downfalls, is one of life’s needed mechanisms to help us all be better people….

Here she is showing off her tits for a change….

Pics via LFI

10 Responses to “Jennifer Love Hewitt Shows Off Her Titties of the Day”

  1. rainbone Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    My friend told me SeekingAffluent.com. It’s where many highly successful people are in search of someone for a quality relationship in their life, the same as you:)

  2. Hurricane Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 5:06 pm

    Wow, she is looking hot as hell in these pics.

  3. cowbulls Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 7:29 pm

    JLH has a great body and those curves are real and trust me; real breasts are way better than silicon. I love a woman that isn’t afraid to laugh and have a good time like she shows in the last picture.

    My guess is she would be the best or an ultimate sexual partner for the next few years. Alas, after that she will get fat because that’s her destiny.

  4. Bob Smith Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 8:05 pm

    Great tits, but about that face, and you know she’s a goddamn cunt to boot.

  5. nunya Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 8:23 pm

    looking good

  6. Drunken Pig Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    Id love to pound her tits….and of course her star-fish!!

  7. anony Says:

    March 2nd, 2010 at 11:44 pm

    If it wasn’t for those tits, we wouldn’t give a shit.

    Acting talent? Puh-lease.

    I still can’t believe they let her play Audrey Hepburn in a made-for-tv movie.

    Might as well get Richard Simmons to play Lou Ferrigno….

  8. big bomber Says:

    March 3rd, 2010 at 12:40 pm

    katy perry if thats how you spell it,has taken over the title of nicest celeb tits in america.J Love is on the backburner.

  9. nunya Says:

    March 3rd, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    katy perry can suck a cock for all i care

  10. Cunty Cuntall Says:

    March 7th, 2010 at 12:45 am

    Jennier Love Hewitt, she should change her name to Jennifer Love Cock. My Nana loves cock….especially mine.

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There is compact fitness equipment that can help you with your needs at a very affordable price. If it is raining, snowing, loose dogs, or what ever the reason is, you will not need to worry because you will be able to get your running in no matter what by using this machine.If you're like one of the millions of people out there that have wanted to start a better healthy lifestyle, or just simply looking to lose a few pounds, you might want to get yourself a great motorized treadmill. You can get a full 15% incline, allowing you to train well no matter what the weather is like outside. It also features a wide range of upgrades over the traditional treadmill like a powerful 3.0 HP motor, a good set of large rollers, a cushion flex running surface and presets that will make any workout you choose fun and challenging. manual treadmillThe Amazon price of this treadmill is 99.00It will serve you just as well and cost you thousands less.First of all, the frame of a commercial treadmill is made of a high alloy steel or aluminum, and is welded, as opposed to put together with nuts and bolts, like consumer grade equipment. Professional gyms have been a popular choice to visit as there are expert trainers that provide classes for proper workout methods.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Home Exercise manual treadmill Reviews & Tips

Harwich - England - Swan - November 11th 2006 by law_keven

Well, this is a piece of fitness equipment that will. Many people feel that the warranty alone is worth purchasing this treadmill. When people complain about the treadmill being boring, it is probably because they do the same workout over and over.Home TreadmillIt also has the wireless heart rate control, 3 color LCD display, arm rest and incline controls to assist you during training.Here are two great treadmill workouts you can use if you are pressed for time. The second most important feature is the belt. walking treadmillKnowing that many homeowners stay in small spaces (especially the urban dwellers), the products are designed to save space. For someone who's seriously into running and getting the exercise they need, a treadmill is a must to ensure your running schedule is not compromised. As you can see, the price rises with the higher level of quality and durability that is built into each of these machines and that is to be expected. Before you make a treadmill purchase, there are some things that should be taken into consideration.And since it's still selling really well, more and more companies have begun manufacturing them. Your size and weight matter when choosing treadmill exercise equipment.

It was a sleepless night, and I found myself rolling around in my sheets, as

restless as I'd been in a long time, experiencing that uniquely displeasing kind of

anxiety that you actually feel in your heart as the pressure builds. Could I really be

considering this? Hell yeah, I could, and was--my turbulent bed thoughts were

being disrupted by a 19,340 foot behemoth that was pulling me to it like an

inescapable black hole. Sir Edmund Hillary, the New Zealander who first reached

Mount Everest's peak with Tenzing Norgay in 1953, once responded tersely to a

question posed to him by a reporter as to why he climbed mountains. "Because its

there" Sir Edmund said.

Luckily I find myself having more of a reason to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in

Tanzania January 7th, 2010. My friend Kenna, a talented singer and musician, has

spent the last year and a half organizing a benefit climb called Summit On The

Summit, the ultimate goal of which is to bring awareness and relief to the world's

clean water crisis. Kenna has assembled a group of musicians, actors, and even a

couple of water experts, as well as a documentary crew from Radical Media, to all

climb Kilimanjaro and shoot a documentary while doing so. The goal of which is to

create a hybrid of an educational class on the clean water crisis, and an odyssey to

the roof of Africa--Kilimanjaro, the tallest free standing (not surrounded by other

mountains) mountain in the world.

Upon agreeing to do the climb, and jumping through the necessary hoops of

paperwork, immunizations, and assembling my gear, the sole focus of my universe

and existence becomes training. Being the last one to join the team of 45 people to

go for the summit (including our film crew) I have to do in three weeks what

everyone has been (hopefully) hard at work at doing for the last eight months:

getting buns you could crack a walnut on. My physician, Robert Huizenga, is the guy

who quickly dashes any hopes I have of coasting on my natural physical abilities.

Judging by the look in his eyes though, he's thinking 'what natural abilities?' So I'm

going to have to go hard, with at least 90 minutes a day of hiking, treadmill, or

stairs--and all with at least 15lbs of weight on my back. Driven partly by fear and

madcap dreams of summit glory, I hit the Gold's Gym across the street from where I

live like I haven't ever done. Through sore calves taffy pulled hamstrings, twitchy

tendons, and steep waves of nausea, I slowly yet inexorably begin to feel my muscles

gain in strength and size, and my favorite part--get to eat whatever I want three

meals a day now, rapidly gaining eight pounds.

Technology is indeed changing the way we operate--on my downtime I find

myself sitting rigidly at the computer, sipping a Banana Cream Muscle Milk, my eyes

piercing the screen, sharp slits with endless You Tube videos of Kilimanjaro

reflecting off my fried corneas late into the night. Home made tourist videos, travel

diaries, clips of specials on the mountain, and website after website, I get so

inundated with Kilimanjaro and mountaineering, I feel like I've already been there.

Not quite, little Hirsch, I chastise myself--my days of being an armchair adventurist

are about to end abruptly. One You Tube video stays with me though and grows to

haunt my dreams--a 20 second clip of two Porters (the native mountain workers)

taking a man, face covered in a ski mask, briskly down a steep hill, holding onto his

arms as his head drunkenly lopes and bandies about, his brain short circuited by the

malignant affect of altitude sickness.

Saying last goodbye's to my friends and family before I depart is a sticky

situation--no one want to downplay the gravity of the risk, because there's always

the possibility something unforeseen could happen, yet at the same time the more

gravity given to a goodbye could in itself make one less confident of one's potential

success. Either way you cut it, better to tell ones to you that you love them while

they're in your embrace, and never feel a pang of regret. Both of my parents support

the climb, as does my girlfriend Brianna. There's not a lot of the histrionic "what the

hell are you doing?" arguments bouncing around.

At night, now that I've given myself over to the climb, ear buds fill my head

with the voices of Jon Krakauer and Ed Viesturs as the audio books I've downloaded

onto my ipod weave far off worlds of wonder. Krakauer's books "Into Thin Air" and

"Eiger Dreams" I find simultaneously sobering to the realities and risks of

mountaineering, yet inspiring to the personal challenges and spirit of adventure in

the sport. Viesturs "No Shortcuts To The Top" and "K2: Life and Death On The

World's Most Dangerous Mountain" leave my jaw agape in bed as I feel myself

transported to the bottleneck of K2 in the Himalaya's, with Fritz Veesner on the epic

1939 expedition, or the summit of Annapurna, the world's deadliest mountain, as

Viesturs proudly radioed down to Jimmy Chin (a high altitude climber and

photographer joining us in our climb) that he'd finally made it to the summit,

completing his lifelong dream of being the first American to climb all fourteen 8,000

meter peaks in the world. Call me naïve, young, or just plain monkey hear monkey

do, I'm frothing at the mouth with so many tales of adventure I find myself

continuously dreaming I'm above the clouds, putting one exhausted foot in front of

the other.

After meeting Kenna and several members of our team at LAX airport

including actress' Jessica Biel and Isabel Lucas, musician Santi White and rapper

Lupe Fiasco, as well as photographers Jimmy Chin and Michael Muller, and many

other amazing individuals I would be grateful to be able to soon call my friends, we

managed to hopscotch to Amsterdam for a quick stopover, then hightail it South to

Tanzania. Everyone in the groups are totally gung ho, and despite dizzy

constitutions following 30 hours of flying, our collective excitement is thick enough

one could cut it with a knife.

At the Arusha Hotel, after being introduced to our guides and divided into

four groups--one and two for the influencers and educators, three and four for the

film crew, and getting the rest of our gear from the guide company Thompson

Safari's--trekking poles, sleeping bags, and an informative lecture on medical safety

to everyone by Melissa Arnot, the beautiful, blonde and brown eyed 27 year old

mountain climbing wonder extraordinaire, were all pumped up with adrenaline as

we struggle to sleep the night before the climb.

After Melissa speaks, I take her aside and ask her to come with me to my

room quickly--I want to show her something that's been worrying me. A day before

I got on the plane, I noticed a hard, painful peanut M&M sized ball on my pelvic

bone--a classic little ingrown hair. Only the pain since getting on the plane has now

tripled. This begins now my official relationship with Melissa--she lathers me down

with iodine and removes the culprit hair mercilessly with tweezers. All she gets out

of me is one quick girlish yelp followed by a wolfish grin, and a relief that that

problem has been so quickly done away with.

I luckily manage to get good nights sleep despite the packing chaos the rest of

our group seems engulfed in. Ever the hyperactive personality, I keep checking my

pulse with one of the electronic instruments one of the techies Nick has. My pulse

never wants to dip below 110 beats per minute, and dark visions of having sudden

death cardiac arrest at 19,000 feet caress me to sleep.

On our drive out of Arusha in our train of beat up four by four Safari vehicles,

Lupe and I trade jokes with a fast pitter patter of a couple of homegrown class

clowns, with topics centering on our odds of making it to the top of the mountain,

religion, and the potential perils a mountain man could face for fornicating with a

two headed sheep with a sheepskin condom. Lupe is hilarious, as is Simon Isaacs, a

Vermont born cause marketing expert who regularly adds to our blob‐like

conversation of absurdity, although I think after a while we start to get on UN

Humanitarian worker Elizabeth Gore's nerves, despite occasionally wringing an

involuntary smile from the corners of her lips. However, our mouths are quickly

given a rest when our driver points ahead. There's Kilimanjaro, he says. After

having been looking at pictures and You Tube videos for weeks, part of me thought I

already kind of knew Kilimanjaro, that it almost wouldn't be a big deal when I saw it.

Good thing assumption is not a mother virtue--the peak claws into the sky above us,

dark and violent, capped with a majestic solid white glacial cap, like some kind of

high altitude crown. I know it's beautiful, but at first glance, it has about as much

"beauty" as the beautiful designs of a Pit Viper waiting under a toilet seat.

After passing through the main gate at 7,000 feet and signing into an

unending beauracratic mess of a public record book, jotting down names and

passport numbers, we go up another 3,500 feet and park the vehicles. There's

about 200 porters waiting for us--all bearing bags jam packed with the tents, food,

water, and supplies for the days ahead--so, for example, when we finish a day of

hiking the tents are waiting for us--a definite luxury for us on this climb. Porters

are all strong men, some wearing as little as shorts and sandals, and all possessing a

ruggedness of spirit and soul that shames most of us with their sheer strength--

many of the men are carrying sixty pounds on top of their heads while scrambling

through rock clusters with ease that most of us are using every drop of adrenaline

we can muster just to hang on.

To start out here were only going for two hours today--but even at an

energetic snails pace, I still feel my heart do the thumpty thump as my throat sucks

the dry air, ravenous for oxygen. Our groups are split now into four, and our group,

two, we quickly name "Dos Locos," given our tendency towards the delightfully

absurd. I draw our group logo on Michael Muller's blue rain poncho--a bearded

man resembling Michael, with his eyes practically blowing out of their sockets in

different directions, and of course--brain exploding out of the top of his head,

equipped with requisite hands to the sides of his face ala Macaulay Culkin in Home


Out in the middle of nature like this with none of the mixed blessing

technology like cell phones and blackberries so many of us find ourselves chained

to, the jokes, conversation, exchange of ideas flows so freely and is so intellectually

engaging that I wonder if this is what college would have been like if I had gone. I'm

happy on the trail, beaming as I climb up every sloping hill, and looking at the

landscape, which at present reminds me visually of the Southwest, like Santa Fe

New Mexico, where I was partially raised. With no trees around on this first day

walk, there's lots of bushy type plants and dwarf shrubs, and the trail is wet and

muddy, gushing under our feet due to a recent rain. There's also some borderline

sketchy rock maneuvers we do, ascending and descending a series of steep forty

foot gullies and crossing the creeks below, all of us carefully hopping on the rocks

and employing our long dormant rock hopping instincts and avoiding potential

freezing water visits. Pole, pole, the famous slogan we keep hearing from all the

guides that has become like gospel on the mountain to all who desire the summit:

slowly, slowly, that is.

At our first camp we get organized into our tents, and they've generously

given me my own, while some of our groups will share with two people per tent. I

was considering briefly not writing about this part--but fuck it--by this time now

my ingrown hair--the one about an inch up and left of my manhood, has become

more than just an unwanted houseguest, shooting from its walnut sized mass a

stabbing pain whenever I move at all. Even bending down to tie my shoes has

become an exercise in sadism for me now. Melissa's had enough of my limping

around, and she calls me to her tent. She puts a pair of blue rubber gloves on, and

removes a tiny syringe and some pads from a plastic bag filled with medical

supplies. Melissa says she's going to drain it out, because its now infected and filled

with pus. This may hurt a little, she says. She delicately plunges the thin needle

directly onto my little red walnut, and I'm gripped with pain. She takes her thumbs

now, and slowly squeezes the walnut, and pink and blubbery white pus begins to

erupt out, as my pain quickly turns into fire and brimstone agony--I literally cannot

believe how hell one little ingrown hair is raising. And then, as if possessed by The

Joker in The Dark Knight, I compulsively start laughing, uncontrollably. This is like

popping the deepest pimple of your life times fifty. After she drains it, despite still

reeling from the squeezing, which went on for at least two minutes, I still feel

immensely relieved the pressure is gone--the dreaded pus now wrapped in a

dispensable plastic bio bag. If there was a single experience in my life that equaled

the pain I felt in those moments with Melissa, I don't know what they are.

After our guide Wilfred, a tall and intelligent Tanzanian man, finishes going

over plans for tomorrow while we chomp on a spaghetti and soup dinner, and

listening to a heartfelt speech from Kenna about his pride in being able to help

people that are less fortunate than others, and realization that Kenna could easily be

suffering from a water related illness. Born in Ethiopia, he came to the US when he

was young, but things could easily have been very different for him. As Kenna's

voice becomes a soft whisper and his eyes grow deeper and moist, I'm glad the

spiritual leader of our climb is so honest with his feelings.

A small group of us including Isabel and Jimmy, Los Angeles physical trainer

Jason Walsh, and water expert Alexandra Cousteau all sneak off after dark with our

headlamps on, and steal a few minutes to see the enveloping view of stars, so bright

and clear they beg to be picked from the sky.

I'm in my tent right now at 13,600 feet the next day at camp three--my body

tired and pulse is racing, partly due to the altitude sickness medication I'm on called

Diamox, but now also due to the antibiotic cephalexin and the anti inflammatory

steroid dexamethasone I've immediately been put on, as my infection has tripled in

size and quadrupled in pain after today's six and a half hour climb. Almost every

step for me today has been excruciating, and people on the trail keep stopping me

and asking if I'm okay as I stop and lean on my trekking poles, wincing and trying to

catch my breath.

Just to make the last hundred feet to the camp takes just about everything

I've got. As I stagger into my tent and collapse onto my sleeping bag, painful tears

stream down my eyes and an angry lump weighs in my throat--I know my body

well, and I know that there is no possible way I'm going to be able to continue this

climb. There's no way I'm going to be able to join Kenna and the others on their

quest to the summit to raise awareness for clean water. My heart swells with

empathy now for every sick or dying man, woman and child--all I have is a stupid

ingrown hair that has freakishly spiraled now, as Melissa tells me, into a potentially

serious infection.

And the damndest part is, at base camp three where we are now, I can see the

peak I've been dreaming about every night for the last month. It taunts me, and for

brief moments waves of scornful rage bites onto me like unleashed little attack dogs.

Altitude sickness my ass, I was breathing the air up here, and it felt so fresh to me it

was like it was scented with roses. Tired legs were the last of my worries; I'm in the

best shape I've been in since Sean Penn took me to my physical limits. But this is an

unworthy opponent‐‐ the smallest thing, a trivial, measly hair, boring its way into

my body and somehow releasing Pandora's box on my ass. Not like this, I tell

myself, as I'm wracked now in my sleeping bag with the chills and shivers--not like

this. But an honest and pure epiphany hits me--how many of my fellow human

beings last thoughts were 'Not like this?' How many good people's lives have been

tragically cut short, given the short end of the stick in a cruel and merciless world. I

don't feel a shred of regret now, sinking my head deep into my hands--I feel


After having a conversation with Kenna in my tent about what to do, we both

agree for now to treat my situation as a general health problem--and make plans

for me to head back down the mountain tomorrow and get picked up and driven

back to Arusha--there, I'll call my parents and loves ones and let them know what is

going on with me. But for now, I can't think clearly, as the stabbing pain in my groin

pierces through me like a rusty nail, just beyond the fabric of my tent the great

Mountain, quicksilver slipping through my grasp.

Or maybe not. That night, a particular stinging sensation wakes me from my

foggy dreams and has me reaching for my headlamp--I shove it down my sleeping

bag and see my large bump has been slowly frothing up bloody pus in my sleep.

Acting on what I'm almost sure is basic human instincts of taking care of ones own

body, I grab a clean sock and begin milking the thing like a large cow teat, the pus

readily barfing out. I hop over to Melissa's tent in the dark, and let her know what's

happening, and also because I know however my clean my sock is, I need to

properly sanitize this immediately with iodine. Exhaling deeply once I lie back

down in my tent, I feel renewed hope--maybe the antibiotics will start working


In the morning I wake up with a renewed sense of purpose after my first

good night's sleep--and when Melissa comes into my tent to check on me, we both

agree that I'll continue on slowly today, and see how it goes--if at lunch I'm in

unbearable pain, or it looks like the infection spreading out of control, we'll

evacuate. Sometimes I can be a pessimist, but part of me feels like this could turn

around for me in the next 48 hours or so--but only time will tell.

During the hike today we peaked out at 15,000 feet, and set up our lunch tent

where a massive dark and monolithic rock crag has been called Lava Tower. It's a

much steeper gradient we're going up today, but the nice slow pace and pressure

breathing--a technique of rapidly exhaling with your lips in the whistling position,

ensure that the altitude is pleasant. Lupe and Simon debate foreign policy, and

Jessica works her camera getting various shots, and Elizabeth takes a little spill on a

slippery boulder and bruises her shin and hip.

When we descend down to camp three its pouring rain and everyone is tired

and wet. Slinking into my tent I'm crestfallen to see that the infection now looks

even worse--more swollen, and spreading. Melissa takes note of this, and starts me

on a course of a different antibiotic--clindamyacin--just to be absolutely sure we've

covered our bases. She reckons it to knocking a guy out, then kicking him in the face

while he's down, and I couldn't be more onboard, eagerly popping the new blue pills

down into my mouth. But fuck though, I ask myself--maybe I have some freak

Tanzanian bacteria they haven't discovered yet, that is immune to antibiotics, and

once it hits my lower pelvic lymph node will immediately go straight to my heart

and leave me dead in 48 hours? I've never been accused of lacking an active


By now, passing pussing my wound in the early mornings has become old hat

for me, and luckily I can feel myself rapidly recovering with each drop drained. I try

and stave off weird hallucinations probably due to antibiotics mixing with my anti

malarial medicine Malarone, wrapped up in my sleeping bag completely covered

like a deep coal miner.

It's the early afternoon now at 16,000 feet. It's a brief day for us, because

tonight we make our bid to the summit around 2am. Even looking at the

handwriting in my journal as I write this, it's become sloppy and slightly

sophomoric, with misshaped letters and over sized commas. I find myself

emotionally highly on edge too--I had a little back and forth earlier with someone

from the group back at 15,000 feet, and my blood is still boiling--a normal spat of

bickering wouldn't rattle a normally thick skinned dude such as myself. Better do

some pressure breathing and calm myself down.

Our plan is to wake up at midnight, and begin our seven‐hour hike to the

summit in the dark of night, planned so that as we reach the top the sun will be

rising. Everyone in the group is tense at breakfast, eyes suspiciously darting around

to make sure nobody is cracking up yet. Few people have appetites, but Muller and I

force down some oatmeal and bread with peanut butter slathered on it.

Outside we all get into a line, fit our headlamps on correctly, and begin the

hike up the rest of the mountain. Several other groups on the mountain had already

left before us, and we can see their little tiny headlamp lights stretching up and up

the mountain like an infinite glowing snake. Shaking off the fatalism of looking up

takes me more than a few minutes each time, so I try to keep my head down and

focused on what's in front of me. There's also a strange creeping claustrophobia

that I can feel breathing down my neck; there's nowhere to go right now, your at

18,000 feet in the dark, keep it together son.

Several of the people in our group are already starting to get violent

headaches and nausea, and Melissa hikes up and down the mountain between our

two groups making sure nobody's health is in jeopardy. Muller and I packed two

extra packages of beef jerky, and I gnaw into it with the zeal of starved rat at one of

our brief breaks. Perfect snowflakes begin landing on my glove in front of me, and

for a second I wonder if this is remotely what it feels like to visit another planet.

After a good eight hours of trekking up, we finally reach Stella Point at 18,701

feet. Here it basically flattens out for the next forty‐five minutes of walking, only

raising an additional 639 feet to Uhuru peak, the summit. At Stella Point everybody

gives each other big hugs and congratulations, but the job isn't done yet--and the

last forty‐five minutes, as the weather clears just enough to get a glimpse of an

ancient gigantic glacier, are hardly Childs play.

When the group finally gets to the summit, a palpable relief overtakes our

group, followed by a wave of emotion that breaks in many tears from most

everyone. I can see how much pressure each person has put on themselves, not just

because of ego, but because they felt like they were really climbing for something

they knew was greater than themselves. Our group holds up a banner together, and

a million thoughts are flying through my head--how in the world are we going to

get back down when I can see several of our group already have altitude sickness?

How deep is tonight's sleep going to be, after scaling these walls? How can our

group do everything it can to help the global clean water crisis now? Across the

globe at that very moment, the Haiti earthquake is just hitting, creating a living

nightmare for thousands upon thousands of people. We are all unaware at this

moment--and all hold up a big plastic banner that says simply: SEND WATER!

They say never to let your dog run on a treadmill as the experience will most probably drive your four-legged friend nuts. Well, we humans are different since we like to get busy and yet go nowhere - case in point, the treadmill. This free motion cycling roller project caters to those who prefer pedaling their way to health without ever leaving their home, but since this is a DIY project, don't expect it to come with a wide range of LCD monitors that show off a false scenery while you cycle.

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A mini treadmill is now starting to invade every household in Europe and America because of the multiple benefits that this small machine provides to its users.If it is raining, snowing, loose dogs, or what ever the reason is, you will not need to worry because you will be able to get your running in no matter what by using this machine.You should definitely look at what people are calling a best buy, and a great addition to the exercise world. You can get a full 15% incline, allowing you to train well no matter what the weather is like outside. With a sturdy constructed frame, and full options you're going to love how great and easy to use this machine really is. motorized treadmillThe Amazon price of this treadmill is 99.00It will serve you just as well and cost you thousands less.First of all, the frame of a commercial treadmill is made of a high alloy steel or aluminum, and is welded, as opposed to put together with nuts and bolts, like consumer grade equipment. Professional gyms have been a popular choice to visit as there are expert trainers that provide classes for proper workout methods.